外资(非欧美) 少于50人 建筑/建材/工程 检测,认证
外资(非欧美) 少于50人 建筑/建材/工程 检测,认证
公司简介: 广州市辉固技术服务有限公司(简称:FTSGZ)为珠三角区域的客户提供专业、准确及高效率的测试和咨询服务。 FTSGZ为一所独立的检测机构,建立有完整的质量管理体系,同时通过广东省质量技术监督局的计量认证审查及香港实验所认可计划认可。 FTSGZ是辉固集团之成员公司,辉固集团是荷兰阿姆斯特丹泛欧证券交易所(Euronext)的上市公司,并为Midkap指数成分股。辉固在全球50多个国家开设超过275间办事处,雇用超过12,000名专业员工。集团的业务范围包括顾问、材料检测、地质勘探、海事工程勘测及地球物探等多个范畴,并致力取得国际性领导地位。 FTSGZ的质量方针公下、客观、科学、有效、准确、及时、高质量的为客户提供检测服务。 网址:www.fugro.cn www.fugro.com www.fugro.com.hk Fugro Technical Services (Guangzhou) Limited (FTSGZ) provides professional, accurate and efficient testing and advisory services to clients in the Pearl River Delta Region. FTSGZ implements a quality management system complying with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and is an independent testing organization which holds China Metrology Accreditationissued by the Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Guangdong Province. FTS is also accredited by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, HOKLAS . FTSGZ is part of the Fugro Group which is listed on Euronext N.V. in Amsterdam and is included in the Amsterdam Midkap Index. Fugro has approximately 12,000 staff permanently stationed in more than 275 offices in over 50 countries. The group provides a wide range of services including consultancy, material testing, onshore and offshore geotechnical survey and Geoscience. Fugro’s objective is to maintain a leading position in the market. The quality policy of FTSGZ is to provide fair, objective, scientific, efficient, accurate, punctual and quality testing services to our clients. 公司提供具备竞争力的薪酬福利: 1、 工作时间:五天八小时工作制; 2、 法定假日、带薪年假及带薪病假; 3、 根据国家规定购买社会保险、住房公积金、另外公司给全体员工购买个人意外商业保险;年终双薪、绩效奖金、出差补贴、餐费补贴、员工旅游等; 4、 结婚礼金;丧假慰问金; 5、 年度健康体检。